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Academic opening 2021

Review the BNEN academic opening online.

BNEN website

This event took place at the location below, and was also streamed live:

SCK CEN Lakehouse
Boeretang 201
2400 Mol



The official opening of the 20th academic year 2021 – 2022 of the Belgian Interuniversity Programme BNEN “Master in Nuclear Engineering” took place on September 13th, 2021 in the afternoon at SCK CEN in Mol. 


16:00 h Welcome address

             Klaus Bacher, President BNEN 2020-2022

16:10 h Nuclear competence building: past and future of nuclear engineering education

             Roger Garbil, European Commission

16:30 h New reactor designs

             Anicet Touré, Engie Tractebel

16:50 h Opening of the 20th BNEN academic year 2020-2021

             Klaus Bacher, President BNEN 2020-2022

17:00 h Reception


Participation to this event is free of charge, however, registration is mandatory.

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